Pattern processing of information systems using prospects for compound objects recognition
- Подробности
- Обновлено 07 Ноябрь 2012
- Автор: Александр Бахшиев
- Просмотров: 12288
A. Bakhshiev
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Central R&D Institute of Robotic and Technical Cybernetics
Sensory data enters to memorization and recognition of single objects module where taking place the information processing and multisensor integration. This stage includes sequential generalized accumulation of input patterns information.
General accumulation of environment information taking place in the creation of pattern associations part/whole module. These associations are simple relations between whole pattern, its constituents and spatial relations between objects, temporal relations (causal effects) and all there combinations. Thus in general case dynamic 3D environment model creating in this module.
In general concepts creation module (in verbal memory) transfer from patterns to abstract concepts and their generalization is taking place.
All these modules are representing multilevel systems with sequential generalizing of stored data both up and down connection.
Each module of this system general functional scheme is present on fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Multilevel architecture of memory model
Set of integrating associating connections (associations from below) Ej,i between ensembles creating by low levels neurons with high levels neurons connections. The connections Fj,i from high levels neurons with low levels neurons organizing for specified information restore possibility.
For pattern information restore its necessary stimulate this patterns ensemble by control inputs Ri. The information reading realized from all levels active ensembles.
Suggested pattern information processing model have following preferences:
- Information sequential multilevel generalizing that permit in corpore storing and using of memorized patterns information.
- Up and down connection presence that permits both generalized and specified pattern information restoring.
- Adding of new levels (contexts) of information processing possibility without system change-over.
- The dynamic model of neuron using permits real time sensor systems data stream processing.
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